\Large \bf Interdisciplinary Nonlinear Dynamics

Interdisciplinary Nonlinear Dynamics


Fall 2001

Hermann Riecke

Detailed Information and Syllabus

This class gives an introduction to nonlinear dynamical systems as they arise in a wide range of areas of science and engineering. While the main goal of the class is to present the concepts and techniques needed for dealing with these systems it will do so from an applied perspective making contact with physical systems wherever possible. The course will follow the textbook Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos: With Applications to Physics, Biology, Chemistry and Engineering by S. Strogatz.

logmap.gif             sp9.gif

Figure 1: a) Period-doubling cascade in logistic map. b) Spiral-defect chaos in fluid convection.

Key topics to be discussed include

Location and Time: TuTh 10:30-12:00 TBA
For more information call, send e-mail, or stop by: 491-8316; h-riecke@nwu.edu; M458. This course will naturally feed into the more advanced course

ESAM 412-1 Methods of Nonlinear Analysis

to be given in Winter Quarter.

This course is part of the IGERT program Complex Systems in Science and Engineering

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